For the past 3 days I have been getting trained here at my new job so that I can start making money for my company. When someone is new to a company, it is quite fair to think that while I will be the new guy for quite some time, people will want to know about me and my life. I knew people would ask if i am married or dating someone. When you are a Mo like myself, you have to ask yourself if you want to be honest with these people if you have a girlfriend or admit to them you like cock. For some people, its harder for them to make this decision, as their jobs might not have protection for GLBT people, or if they simply are too embarrassed or uncomfortable telling the truth that they like man ass. I decided that for me, its too hard to come up with lies all the time about dating someone, or discussing the bars I went to over the weekend, or wearing a fabulously cute square cut swimsuit that hugged my hips and buns like no other. :) Yes, I decided that I am too old for these types of games, and I want to feel comfortable and honest around other coworkers. During my time at my new job, it has already come up in conversation. Here is how.
Coworker "So do you have a girlfriend?"
Me "Nope"
Coworker "How about a boyfriend?
Me " caught me."
Coworker "Seriously? Or was that a joke?"
Me "Seriously"
Coworker "Oh, I didn't expect that one. Its about time we got a gay here though, this place needs some serious redecorating."
Both of us giggle
Luckily I am protected with my company as a gay man. I feel for those who do not have that backing them. I hated growing up and hiding that I was dating someone I loved. I couldn't imagine going back to doing that same thing again. I want to put pictures of my significant other in my office and tell coworkers if I am going on a vacation with them or whatever. I do feel privileged to have the opportunity to do this in my place of employment.