Thursday, July 7, 2011

Is This Thing On?

I blame Facebook for my lack of appearances here. That damn social networking site has taken all the things I normally would post on this blog thingy, which for anyone still watching this site, I am sure makes you displeased. But let’s be honest, everyone has probably given up on me coming back here regularly.

To give a quick summary on how things are going in my life, things are going well. I finally got the promotion at my job that I had been eyeing. So a new job and new salary always help brighten ones day. I also bought a new car last month. I got rid of my Audi A3 and bought a new Mazda 3. Not as fancy of a brand, but the Mazda has every amenity possible unlike my old Audi. The only thing I miss about the Audi is its speed. I miss having a turbo under the hood.

The house my man and I are building is coming along. They seem to be building it at a turtles pace which is frustrating though. All we have right now is a foundation, basement concrete walls and a concrete floor. And that has been done since May. So literally nothing has changed on it since then. I am not a fan of our construction company to say the least. Move in date was supposed to be middle of September, however I think it will more realistically be end of October.

My man and I also celebrated our 4 year anniversary in mid June. Quite the feat if I do say so myself. 3 days prior to the anniversary I celebrated my 26th year alive since birth. What a marvelous and crazy 26 years it has been.

Til next time readers…..


Mike said...

It sounds like your personal life and work life is going along great! That's awesome!

Hopefully the house comes along quickly! That's cool to build your own house!!! Custom!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary and Happy Birthday.

Looking forward to some photo of the homestead once they get started above ground.

Mind Of Mine said...

Happy belated anniversary and birthday and congratulations on the promotion.

Ara said...

Good day!
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Stephanie said...

I never commented, but I miss your blog. Stop being all FACEBOOK and start being all BLOG :)

tboy34 said...

Are you on facebook? I love this page and I have a fondness for ginger boys too,

Anonymous said...

i started to realize how lucky we are. keep writing....

Ade said...

Close face book, close your blog, call your friends and or family and go out for a meal.

Unknown said...

Two years too late, but congratulations still on your promotion! Seems you have had a lot to celebrate that year. With your new salary, paying off your car must be a breeze. I wish for the day I can afford a new car. With the salary I have now, it seems it will take awhile. I actually used to run short in cash. If it weren’t for payday loans, I wouldn’t be able to survive.

Eustolia Nitta