Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Candy Coated Bullshit

I mentioned last week that I had an interview for a new job. Well I had my interview on Friday and although it wasn't amazing, it wasn't horrible either. I had a really bad cold then and still do. I called off of work that day so that don't infect everyone with my illness. My interview was just a phone interview at 11:40 in the morning. It started out well, but then my cough started to kick in followed by the sniffling. The interviewer could tell I was struggling. I could also tell she had a smidge of sympathy for me as well.

One thing that I was not to happy about was when she asked me what I knew about the company. Obviously this should have a been an easy question. However, every single job interview I have had before this, I have always done research on the company. I familiarized myself with their board members, stock prices, products, etc. But to this day I have never been asked what I knew about the company. Therefore I didn't do much research. None actually. I only knew one fact about that company and that was it. So naturally, I had to make up so much bullshit and make it sound intelligent. But I guess that is what job interviewing is all about anyways right?

I hate interviewing. It makes me sweaty and nervous. I am good at it but I still hate it.

I found out yesterday that I have moved to the next stage of interviews. I am not sure when that will be though. I will definitely remember to do some more research on this company.

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