Monday, April 28, 2008

Too Much

Is too much of a good thing really a bad thing? I dont really think so, but of course this question is very objective. The bf said tonight that I am spoiled because I get too see him a lot. We generally see each other 5 to 6 days a week. Even though this is most of the week, I have never felt as though it was overwhelming for me. He has mentioned several times that he needs his space and likes time to do his own thing. Obviously, everyone needs that. It is hard for me to want to take days off from seeing him because I do enjoy being with him so much. I know I need to give him more space and more time to do his own thing. I have to learn to be content with just a phone call some days.

If you guys/gals are or were in a relationship, how many times did you feel it was appropriate to see each other. Curious to see what is the norm.


jay said...

Well I normally have done 2-3 times a week. I can understand the want to spend as much time with him as possible but you should also get out and do your own thing as well.

Distance makes the heart grow fonder.

K said...

I agree. I'd say that the weekends would be good for couple-time and during the week you can do w/out seeing them. Just maybe communicating on the phone/online etc etc....

But then again, I've never been in a real relationship, so I have really no place to say anything. HAHA!