Thursday, December 17, 2009


I have obviously been spending less time blogging and more time doing more of my non productive things like watching TV. As of late its been way too much TV actually. As soon as I get home from the gym everyday, I turn on the TV. Even though minutes later, Ill be in the shower and/or cooking dinner and cant see the TV, it comforts me to know that it is on. Ive been watching quite a bit of The Office reruns which reminds me of how much my job actually sucks. However, there has been a new show that has come into my life that has actually made it change for the better. This show is called Hoarders. And it is full of amazingness. Watch the preview below.

Crazy, right?! So what is the main reason I watch this? It is because it makes me clean my own place so that I never ever even come close to living in such squalor. However, it has also shown me that I do have some mini-hoarding habits. I do keep things that mean nothing to me and attach sentimental value to them, therefore it goes in a box to basically never be looked at again. I also keep things also known as junk that I tell myself maybe one day i will use it, but knowing full well I probably never will. But I keep it and store it anyways.

Now granted, I am sure everyone does this, however I can see some areas of my bedroom where I could probably just throw must of the stuff away and be just fine. I have instructed all of my friends that if they start to see it get bad in anyway shape or form that they must instruct me to throw it all away. Including all of the clothing I have that I havent worn for years which i cant seem to part with.

Thank you Hoarders for making me that much more self conscious of one more thing in my life.


Anonymous said...

I love that show too! It's fascinating in a very sad way. I also realize I could become that. I'm 5% a horder compared to the people on the show. But I place such sentimental value and memories to so many things. That show has made me look at things and think, "I need to clear out some of this before I become one of those people!"

J@v@JuNKo said...

My partner at the time used to have the tv on almost all the time! it was ALWAYS on, even when we weren't watching it, I too think it was mostly just for the background noise lol. Hoarders is wack!! omg i baffles my mind how people can turn into that! I'm the opposite, i'm a purger lol, I only have a few items i've kept over the years and everything else gets purged every once in a while and I start fresh. i get bored easily of things staying the same for long, and i can't stand clutter...i keep telling my sister to watch that show lol, she likes to keep waaaay too many things...

TheEgoReturns said...

I can't believe that there are actually people that are like that. I saw an episode last night where a lady, instead of using a toilet, was using adult diapers to go to the bathroom and then piling them up in her kitchen. Totally disgusting, but I had to watch.

Gary said...

1. When I was in grad school, the length of time the average American spent watching television was 6.25 hours per day; I doubt it's decreased, although now you could combine watching TV with computer usage. We figured a lot of that was just "company" -- having it on while doing chores.
2. I have a few boxes in the basement, potentially important papers I should go through one of these days. They become less important and outdated over time, and by around three years, I can just burn them or throw them out... which raises the question of why I keep them for years. Guess I'm not ready to admit I won't go through them. Yet.